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Giant Redwood - December 2010
Thanks to Gavin for sending the above photograph taken just after sunrise in the Autumn of a Giant Redwood in Duntrune House.

Gavin says, "The house overlooks the Tay estuary about 300 ft above sea level. The House and Grounds at Duntrune were developed by John Graham of Claverhouse, Known as 'Bonnie Dundee', the 1st Viscount Dundee. He had been a staunch supporter of King James VII of Scotland, James II of the united Crowns. He changed sides, however, and supported the First Jacobite uprising. He led a Jacobite army which defeated the Crown forces at the Battle of Killiekrankie [1689], but Claverhouse was fatally wounded. As a traitor the Graham estate at Duntrune would not have flourished thereafter. Duntrune House burned down in the early 1860s and was restored in 1865. The gardens would have been redesigned / refurbished at this time."

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