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Great Missenden - Missenden Abbey (Buckinghamshire)
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June 2009 photograph by Tom
Thanks to Tom for the above photograph of a Giant Redwood which he and his Dad "found in the corner of the grounds of Missenden Abbey, Buckinghamshire.

The GPS was saying N51°41.854' / W000°42.014' with elevation of 408 feet. We measured the trunk at 1.5m and it was 4.61 metres around. At our best estimates from the photo method, it's around 30 metres high as of 24/06/09.

As you can see from the attached photos, it's quite an impressive tree, easily standing out from the surrounding foliage (even though it's quite hard to get a good view of it!). It has no branches on the lower half of the trunk anymore.

Tom also sent some photographs of his trip to the Mariposa Grove in Yosemite, California in in August 2008. You can see these on the More U.S. Visits page. He says, "Wandering around those giants sparked my fascination with these trees and a "grow your own" kit that I brought home made me look for help on the internet, where I found your site which has helped me to now have a small greenhouse full of thriving, tiny Sequoia, Coast Redwoods, Dawn Redwoods and other trees!"

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