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Giant Redwood - June 2020
Thanks to Stephen for letting us know about this "California Redwood in Halton in Buckinghamshire on the former Rothschild Estate which currently forms part of RAF Halton. It appears to be around 40 – 50 metres high and I imagine it was planted around 1880.

It is on MOD property and not really accessible to the public. The area was originally part of the Alfred de Rothschild Estate. The house was built between 1880 – 1883 and I imagine the parkland was laid out at around the same time which would make the age of the tree dating from that time. Part of the land was provided for use by the Royal Flying Corp and timber from the trees on the estate was offered for use in the trenches during the First World War! It was fully acquired by the RAF in 1918 and the woodland has not been maintained since then. So I believe this tree is a lucky survivor. The setting that it is in makes it very difficult to get photos that show it, in all its glory.

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