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Sundridge - St. Mary's Church (Kent)
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This Dawn Redwood stands beside St. Mary's church in Sundridge.
The photograph was taken in an uncommonly warm week in October 2014 and just before the tree would take on its Autumn colour.

Thanks to Helen for these lovely photographs of the Dawn Redwood taken in October 2017. Helen said "I have visited this tree twice recently, on the first occasion the tree was just starting to change colour, with some of the leaves turning an old gold colour, but most still green. I hoped to get back when it was in full autumn colour, but events got in the way and I did not return until late November, by which stage nearly all of the leaves were on a ground."
Bad luck Helen, it's a shame to miss the full Autumn colour, but it's a good excuse to go back next year.

Common Names and Latin Name Latitude and Longitude OS National Grid Elevation
(above sea-level)
Girth Date Measured
Dawn Redwood
Metasequoia glyptostrobodies
TQ 48628 54927 389ft
1.89m October 2014

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