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Slough - Langley Park (Buckinghamshire)
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Thanks to Neil who sent the above photographs and tells us about an avenue of Giant Redwoods in Langley Park Arboretum.

"In Buckinghamshire, not far from the outskirts of London is Black Park, famous for its use as a film set in its tranquil beautiful gardens which are open to the public. Films such as "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" were filmed here due to the vast variety of trees and country landscape

However, in the neighbouring Langley Park is a dedicated Tree Arboretum! It is here where I have discovered a large population of Giant Sequoia trees growing in a row. They seem quite old and well established. Also many other unusual trees are growing here. Langley Mansion which is also inside Langley Park, has two further Giant Sequoia trees near its entrance, so in total Langley Park contains about seven giant sequoia trees growing in a small area."

Neil also informed us about a solitary Wellingtonia growing on Cremyll Island near Plymouth.

* * * Update - January 2010 * * *

Frank wrote to say that believes there are many more Giant Redwoods in Langley Park. He estimates it is closer to fifty adult trees and thirty youngsters spread throughout the park.

Later in the year Frank sent photographs of some of the other trees in Langley Park. He says, "In the three avenues and their connections there are 200 trees of various ages and there are a lot more scattered throughout the parkland."

Frank also mentioned that he has "just planted 50 saplings in the very far north of Scotland."

Thanks Frank, this sounds fascinating and I look forward to hearing more!
Thanks to Vanessa who sent the above photograph at Langley Park and says that "there must be over 50 trees on the Langley Park site. The park has a long history dating back to Catherine of Aragon, and the local Council is doing an amazing job in restoring the rhododendron gardens. Due to being near to Pinewood, you will often see the mansion on TV/films."

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