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Leigh-on-Sea - Blenheim Park (Essex)
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Giant Redwood - March 2023
It was great to find this tree again, there is always a buit of uncertainty whether or not young trees are going to make it. This one was planted by Sheemul back in November 2012 and it is featured on the Tall Tales pages. It's surrounding by several metres of dense bushes - usually I might expect them to be taking the moisture out of the ground to the detriment of the tree, but this Redwood seems to be thriving so perhaps the bushes are instead protecting the ground around the roots from the fierce sun in the Summer.

Wandering around the rest of the park, it was good to see that there has been a fair number of other new trees planted some with tags giving their names.
No more Redwoods though.

Giant Redwood - March 2023

Giant Redwood - November 2012

Giant Redwood - October 2015

Giant Redwood - December 2015

Common Names and Latin Name Latitude and Longitude OS National Grid Elevation
(above sea-level)
Height Girth Date Measured
Giant Redwood
Sequoiadendron giganteum
TQ 84733 87684 100ft
5.1m 0.46m March 2023
Girth was measured at 1.5m from ground.

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