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Haslemere - Redwood Manor (Surrey)
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This large Giant Redwood at Redwood Manor in Tanners Lane is yet another that was originally found by Luke during his travels in Haslemere. This tree has lost a few metres from the top some years back, possibly due to a lightning strike or storm damage. The picture above shows the bark very wet after a morning of persistant rain.
Next to the car park there is also a young tree, perhaps around seven to ten years old. If anyone has any knowledge of the exact planting date we would be pleased if you would Contact us with information.

Next to the Wellingtonia is this magnificent old Cedar. It is covered in an immense quantity of cones and each year, unfortunately, it covers the area with a liberal dusting of bright yellow pollen! A small price to pay for such a fantastic view.

Common Names and Latin Name No. Latitude and Longitude OS National Grid Elevation
(above sea-level)
Height Girth Date Measured
Giant Redwood, Wellingtonia
Sequoiadendron giganteum
1 N51.08951
SU 90077 33029 465ft
30.3m 5.37m September 2006
2 N51.08992
SU 90056 33074 474ft
4.9m 0.52m September 2006
Girth was measured at 1.5m from ground.

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