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Giant Redwood in Dudwick Park

young Giant Redwood in Dudwick Park Giant Redwood in Dudwick Cottage
Thanks to Charles who sent the above photographs of the three Giant Redwoods in Dudwick Park, Buxton. He wrote to say, "It is nice to find a Wellingtonia enthusiast. We have one in our garden. I estimate it is about 35 metres high and its trunk is 250" round at shoulder height. I think it might have been planted in the 1850's but there is no record of that. It certainly makes a mess in the garden at this time of year!"

Yes, they do make quite a mess this time of year. I still have a number of people who write to ask if the browning and dropping of foliage is something they should be concerned about. I am able to reassure them that despite their classification of evergreen, they do shed and replace foliage.

A fine trio of Giant Redwoods and it is always great to see new ones being planted.

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