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Buckingham - Stowe Landscape Gardens (Buckinghamshire)
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Giant Redwood - top removed

Giant Redwood - ivy on trunk

Dawn Redwood
It was clear from the start that a visit to Stowe Gardens would take longer than the hour that had been allocated.

One of the two Giant Sequoia here has had its top removed but is growing on regardless and can be found fairly near to the tea room. The other is situated past the house, towards the lakes and although it is in better condition, unfortunately it has an abundance of ivy and tree creeper on its trunk. It was surprising to see a tree being spoiled in this way, in otherwise immaculately kept grounds, but perhaps there hasn't yet been time to remove this blight.

A Dawn Redwood stands in the middle of the golf course with a plaque below it that reads: "R.G.G. 1907 - 1972."
Stowe Landscape Gardens are owned by the National Trust and were restored in the 1990's. The 18th century landscape park is full of radial paths that lead to elaborate temples and lakes. These temples are quite extrodinary and rather unexpected. During a walk through the grounds one is confronted by little bits of ancient greek style follies. This adds a good deal of fascination to a walk through a beautiful English landscape.

Common Names and Latin Name No. Latitude and Longitude OS National Grid Elevation
(above sea-level)
Height Girth Date Measured
Giant Redwood
Sequoiadendron giganteum
1 N52.03278
SP 67568 37609 429ft
21.2m 4.68m Oct 2008
2 N52.03108
SP 67631 37532 432ft
32.6m 5.5m Oct 2008
Dawn Redwood
Metasequoia glyptostrobodies
3 N52.02779
SP 67297 37050 364ft
16.1m 1.74m Oct 2008
Girth was measured at 1.5 metres from ground

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